For Hotel School prices please check the price list by clicking here:

Lake Como Mountains – Giir di Mont 2024 – prices

On the occasion of the Giir di Mont 2024 which will take place in Premana on 28 July, the Single Booking Center of Montagne del Lago di Como is active, accessible from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00.

By contacting our C.U.P., thanks to agreements with the accommodation facilities and with the Casargo Hotel School, you can book your stay at discounted prices.

For information and reservations, please fill out the form below with all the information requested.

The single reservation center will offer you the accommodation best suited to your needs, selecting for you from all those actually available. This way you will avoid having to contact all the hotels that don’t have the availability or features you are looking for. Attention: places at the hotel school are available only for the night of Saturday 27 July, while hotel rooms, B&Bs and apartments are available for longer stays.


Dear tourist, to contact our Center of hotel bookings or information, please fill out the form below. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible..

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Space dedicated to details or particular requests
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