Do you want to book an excurtion discovering the Lake Como Mountains, accompanied by an alpin guide?
Click on the playbill to discover the scheduled dates, click here to see the details of each summer trekking or click here to see all the detalis of trekking on Wanderer’s trail and fill in the form below with your datas for the reservation:
The excurtions are accompanied by alpin guides and mid-mountains guides.
Cost of daily excurtion is € 20 per person with guide, while the cost of two days trekking is € 28 (€ 56 total per person) . Free children under 18 years old accompanied by an adult. The payment will be done at the moment.
For trekking of two days Lake Como Mountains will give you all informations of conventionned mountain-huts to make the reservation. Conventionned price il € 56.00 made direclty at the moment.
Costs of transfer by bus or train ar not included, and they must be paied separately.
Packed lunch is not included and each partecipant should provide indipendently. Along the way there are some sources, but please leave with water and water bottle.
Recommended comfortable clothing, appropriate shoes, poles, backpack, cap and k-way.
HOW TO MAKE THE RESERVATION: you can book your excursion within 2 days before the scheduled date, that is, within 12 days of the previous Friday. To book you must fill out the form below with your details and click SEND (you can also do from the phone). You will immediately receive an automatic reply.
CONFIRMATION OF RESERVATION: on Friday morning we will send you by email the CONFIRMATION OF RESERVATION (based on the weather and number of members). The reservation is binding: if for any reason you can not participate, you are required to promptly notify us.
Good fun! And do not forget to send us the photos and the story of your excursion.
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